New-build Car Park P4, Nürnberg Airport


Nürnberg Airport operates multi-storey car parking alongside surface parking facilities.

The construction of the P4 multi-storey car park is intended to take into account, on the one hand, the loss of parking space due to the foreseeable demolition of the P1 multistorey car park and, on the other hand, the expected future need for parking spaces due to increasing passenger numbers.

The Car Park has 8 parking levels and offers space for 3,611 vehicles. The individual parking levels are accessed via two curved ramps. The ramps were built using in-situ concrete with asphalt covering in order to minimize future maintenance.

AMP was commissioned with the Car Park concept, the preparation of tender documentation, together with a service program and technical controlling procedures.


Client:Flughafen Nürnberg GmbH
Planning services AMP:General planner
General Contractor:Goldbeck Ost GmbH & Co. KG

Car Park Data

Number of parking bays:3.611
Parking bay width:2,50 m
Gross car park area:89.500 m²
Net building cost:31.500.000 €
Opening Date:July 2021